Ipic Help
As part of its mission The Ipic Group contributes to and assists charitable organisations that effect meaningful positive change and aims to help others to be and to make heroes. As part of our mission, we therefore actively contribute to organisations both within our broader community, and more narrowly within the communities where our properties are situated.
The Ipic Group has been actively involved in corporate socially responsible activities for many years and has donated millions to a wide range of organisations.
Our charity strategy can be summarized by saying that we would rather teach someone to fish than to give them a fish to eat. Therefore, we actively look for and assist entrepreneurial driven charities that have a high probability of becoming self-sustaining in the near future.
Our shopping centres have supported many organisations to this end and therefore we encourage our tenants to give to charity in their respective communities.
21 x 21 Online TV Initiative
Everyone wants to be a beneficiary and some donors might be mainly motivated by CSI programs and tax breaks, but our Uplifting and Inspiring 21 x 21 Showcase Events focus on Cheerful Donors Celebrating Proven Beneficiaries.
Whereas business confidence is extremely low, and many have made firm plans for their money and family to leave South Africa there are Cheerful Donors who are actively investing with numerous proven Beneficiary Partners to improve and build our nation and continent.
21 x 21 Online TV was the brainchild of the CEO of Ipic Group, Rian Maartens, who was inspired to use 21 x 21 Online TV as a catalyst for better direct connections between donors and beneficiaries. Rian found his inspiration through his relationship with God as well as various business and spiritual leaders. The Word of God says that God loves a cheerful donor, and this is the foundation for 21 x 21’s idea to connect cheerful donors with worthy beneficiaries.
21 x 21 Online TV had its small beginning in 2019. How did it work? Three events were held, where eight beneficiaries from various non-profit organisations shared their stories. Each presenter of an NPO was responsible for delivering a short presentation using the 21 x 21 concept: Each speaker’s presentation must consist of 21 PowerPoint slides and the speaker gets a maximum of 21 seconds per slide to explain each slide. The aim of the presentation is to explain what the heartbeat of each organisation is. Potential donors then voted for the top 3 winners. These nine winners (three winners from three events) had the opportunity to present their organisations at the GALA Event, where the final top 3 winners were announced to end off Season 1.
Season 2 of this initiative was supposed to continue in 2020, but unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 pandemic enforcing South Africa to go into a lock down period, these events were not able to take place. The hope is still there to continue with this initiative, but in the meantime, everyone is encouraged to subscribe to the 21x21 YouTube channel where all previous presentations and interesting information about other charities are uploaded for all to view.